Helpful Forms
Individual Counseling
If you're a new client, it would be very helpful for you to complete the New Client Information form and bring to your first therapy session.
If you would like me to coordinate care with another provider please complete the consent form to authorize release of psychotherapy information
New Client Registration
Adult Health Information
Minor Health Information
Guidelines for Child Therapy Work for Two-Home Families
Consent for Exchange of Information
Child Specialist Coaching Services
Pre-session information:
Child Specialist Coaching: Pre-Session Information
Collaborative/Cooperative or Coparent Coaching Contracts:
Collaborative Child Specialist Contract (for those in a formal Collaborative Divorce process)
Cooperative Child Specialist Contract (if you are not in a formal Collaborative Divorce process or aren't sure)
Coparent Coaching Contract (for parents seeking coaching post divorce)
Children's Consent to Release Information (If you adult or minor children are meeting with me for part of your Child Specialist process, I will ask them to sign these forms during their session):
Adult Consent for Exchange of Information
Minor Consent for Exchange of Information